The Voice Keeps the Score Online Workshop

Event Details

This 6 class series is intended for anyone who has had struggles with and is seeking to reclaim their physical and metaphorical voice! This can express as challenges around authentic expression, particularly around the communication of needs and boundaries.

Particularly for femme folks, individuals in a body racialized by society, disabled bodies, neurodivergent bodies, individuals who were traumatized as children.

Because silence equals safety, it can feel extremely dangerous and activating for the nervous system when we begin the journey of exploring and reclaiming our voices, needs, and boundaries.

Perhaps you've been attending somatic workshops and boundaries workshops...and yet there's something missing when it comes to interpersonal effectiveness. It's the voice!

I'm envisioning a dynamic interactive playshop, where we learn about sound as the first portal to attachment and attunement, and then we play with various expressions of vocalization. And I get to guide you through various somatic cues that can enhance communication effectiveness.

6 classes | 90 minutes each

Full details TBC. To be notified when this class opens for registration, please click here.

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