Befriending the Nervous System

Strategies for Trauma, Sensory Processing, and Developmental Wounds

Befriending the Nervous System in Trauma Treatment

Untangling the nervous system is key to understanding your client’s stress responses. Instead of looking at it like a tangled ball of yarn, you can approach it as a source of incredible information and clues.

In Befriending the Nervous System: Strategies for Trauma, Sensory Processing, and Developmental Wounds, you’ll learn to observe behavioral responses, track the nervous system, and interpret sensory systems to create a holistic picture of your client’s trauma landscape.

Then you can develop an integrated approach using somatics, parts work, neurobiology, and attachment theory to facilitate unique trauma healing.

Learn tools to regulate and support your clients holistically

  • Depathologize and Destigmatize Your Client’s Survival Strategies
  • Build a Repertoire of Resources to Create Stabilization in Your Clients’ Lives
  • Nurture Competence and Confidence in Your Own Inner Wisdom

Learn more & register!

“Linda Thai's course was one of the best I attended. [It] taught me the relationship between the nervous system and trauma, exploring how the autonomic responses to danger impact physical and mental well-being. It gave me an even better understanding of how trauma affects the nervous system and provided practical tools for fostering resilience, self-regulation, and healing.”

— Iulia Popescu, Psychotherapist, UK


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